Principles of Brain Evolution Review

Principles of Brain Evolution
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Principles of Brain Evolution ReviewThis is an excellent introduction to the field of vertebrate brain evolution for someone without much of a background in neuroscience or evolutionary science. The author critically reviews what is known about brain evolution from the perspective of trying to enunciate underlying "laws" governing how the vertebrate brain evolves. He is careful to point out the limitations of this approach, but nonetheless makes a reasonably good case for the existence of some overarching principles which can be used to guide progress in this still emerging field. These include "big is well-connected" and "late is large". The author proposes that much of brain evolution is driven by absolute as opposed to relative brain size, and that absolute brain size has not received the attention it deserves in this regard. The book is well-organized and the author's arguments are cogent, well-supported, properly qualified, and easy to follow, with numerous excellent figures and diagrams. The author is extremely well versed in the primary literature and is not afraid to point out what is not known or poorly understood, and where further research is needed. The reader finishes with a good sense of the current state of the field and the directions it may be heading. After reading this book I came away with a better understanding of how the human brain differs from the brains of other vertebrates, how it developed, and how it endows us with our human abilities and liabilities. Five stars.Principles of Brain Evolution Overview

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